Friday, 23 March 2012

For You....

So far away, yet so close we are;
Only a distant thought connects us,
And a hope that someday we will meet
Like lines of a circular track seen
Standing from a point on it,
The lines going in opposite ways
To greet each other again;
I have seen you,
Standing under the green kingdom,
A figure clad in white,
Like the blinding skies,
On a bright and sunny day;
I know you exist,
And as everyday passes,
I know you are alive,
Here in the same heaven
That I am in;
And the thought makes me happy,
Gives me that hope
That someday we will meet.
But how will you know?
You don’t know me,
You don’t know that I exist,
You have only seen what you have,
The unknown does not cross your mind.
However, you are certain
That you will know,
When you see me,
Only, you are uncertain of my existence.
Born and living so far away,
Each day our hope goes stronger,
And though we love everything else,
We preserve our hope,
Deep inside in a cherished space,
Locked away, but never forgotten;
And in harsh times,
We gather strength from it.
I know it gives eternal strength;
Vigor to solve our problems,
To face all odds, to grow,
But not the strength to face
Each other, if we are together now.
Calm down, we are not;
I know the pain stings you and threaten
To break down that hidden optimism,
Pull it out naked and prove it false.
But it cannot.
Want to know why?
Because you have not let it to,
Smiling? Good....
Of course I am applauding,
But the smile quickly dies;
You realise the sensation of belonging don’t you,
Like something hollow inside.
Don’t keep it subdued,
Let it escape for now,
You will find it again.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Engineering Exam Equals....

Frankly I wrote this in 5 mins. All suggestions and comments are welcome. Any vital point missed must be stated and will definitely find inclusion in the list.Those people reading this and quietly threatening me, may do so. SHAME ON THEM!!

1. Loss of mental peace.
2. Series increase in sleep levels.
3. Shortage of cleansing time.
4. Shortage of eating time.
5. No time for minimal necessary fashion.
6. Substantial loss of hair.
7. Damage to pen parts(primarily due to chewing)
8. Increasing in frustration levels.
9. Increase in use of swearing words.
10. God becoming much more dearer besides the nearest knowledgeable neighbour in the hall.
11. The 'Ghajini' feeling of anger and revenge.
12. Hypertension and rise in blood pressure = risk of heart attack.
13. Multitasking to its uppermost limit.
14. Hygiene to its lowermost limit.
15. Decrease in response and reaction time.
16. Drainage and loss of creativity.
17. Short term memory loss.
18. Alzheimer's disease.
19. Decrease in metabolism.
20. Increase in addiction to gadgets.
21. Wastage of paper, ink etc.
22. The feeling which you get when you personally want to send that nerd to Hell.
23. Increase in consolation levels.
24. Motivation and Inspiration flowing down the drain.
25. Jamming and Cramming leading to loss of other data(ph. nos, vital ideas etc.)